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Secret Files 3 Torrent Download


Updated: Mar 19, 2020

About This Game The bestselling Secret Files franchise celebrates its return! The dream couple Max and Nina have announced their forthcoming wedding...but at the beginning of Secret Files 3 the event suffers a catastrophe! Max is arrested by Berlin‘s police force. The accusation: Terrorism. Nina‘s biggest adventure yet awaits her in the franchise‘s third game. Could it be possible that everything is connected to the happenings in Tunguska? Is humankind depending on her? Can she save Max or is fate more important than her happiness? Throughout the story players will experience a cinematic hunt crossing continents, with many riddles waiting to be solved. The adventure is not limited to the present, there are also all kinds of puzzles to solve set in the past and in the future, and depending on the choices the player makes, alternative endings await them...Key FeaturesThe most successful Adventure brand of recent timesCinematic production with updated game engineStory written by acclaimed TV writers 7aa9394dea Title: Secret Files 3Genre: AdventureDeveloper:Animation ArtsPublisher:Deep SilverRelease Date: 13 Sep, 2012 Secret Files 3 Torrent Download secret files 3 code archimède. secret files 3 pc torrent. secret files 3 max office. jla secret files and origins 3. walkthrough for secret files 3. secret files 3 iso. secret files tunguska 3. secret files 3 archimedes code скачать. secret files 3 komplettlösung. secret files 3 ios. secret files 3 solution. secret files 3 recenze. secret files 3 pc download. secret files 3 poradnik. secret horse files 3. secret files 3 traduccion. secret files 3 steam. secret files 3 android. secret files 3 archimedes code. secret files 3 nintendo ds. secret files 3 magyarítás. secret files 3 apk. secret files 3 pc. secret files 3 trailer. secret files 3 návod. secret files 3 pc game free download. descargar secret files 3 pc español gratis. secret files 3 review. secret files 3 guia. jla secret files #3 This is easily the weakest of the SF + Lost Hirozon games. Ironically, playing this games demo was what made me buy them in the first place, as I really enjoyed the point and click puzzle solving. There are many complaints I have about this game as I felt very dissapointed compared to the first two. They really took away the good things about the earlier games and tried to drag out this short and unoriginal story the easiest way possible.The mini-games in this game are tedious and boring. One of these include trying to steer a vehicle that is barely responsive due to the awkward stop-and-go animation. The vehicle has to navigate an area where a single missclick sends it rushing the wrong way and sometimes it's hard to tell how to make it go the direction you want to. The area you use the vehicle is very dark and not always easy to tell where the vehicle can stand.The second being a random duel where the enemy is drastically overpowered, forcing you to waste time on repairing your own unit. Nothing you do is anywhere near effective as the enemy. The second problem being that attacking and defending is completely random. There is no pattern you can follow, you just click some buttons, hope for the best, then waste some minutes on repairing and going through Nina's whiny dialogue. And what baring on the plot does this duel have? None! It's never mentioned again and quite frankly, the game could have advanced without it.The story was a huge mess. What I liked about Nina is that you could relate to her because she's just like anyone else. She doesn't have superpowers. She is not some overdramatic contribution to the plot. All she did in the other games were trying to uncover the truth.In this game, that changes completely. Nina has too much involvement on the plot making her seem like a supernatural creature. It takes away a lot of her character. A big part of the game doesn't even take place in reality, she ends up in some form of dream-reality state where, for whatever reason, she can dream about the past and find out facts which helps her in the present day. It's just very over the top. The story is also very short. I ended this game at half the time I spent on the two first games. The game also stalls you at several points in the game. At one point, Nina has to find out where a person goes and the only way she can do so, is using various items to keep up. If she discovers he got lost, she gets teleported back to the very beginning and you have to run all the way back before you can continue. You can't bypass this either, even if you are standing at the very location you want to continue, Nina have to be teleported back to the start after "realizing" she needs to do something else. So you run all the way back there, she completes one step, realizes she has to do something more and gets teleported all the way back again. And you have to do this about five times in a row. Why oh why can't you simply start in the room before? She needs to do nothing in the previous rooms except run through them. So you are just wasting your time by running back there. And if that wasn't frustrating enough, it is very easy to figure out where to go next. So you spend half a minute in the actual room, but you spend almost five minutes runing back to work on your progress. As for the puzzle solving, I thought that the rooms and clues were too confined. You usually have only 2-3 rooms to work with, as well as only a few items to use. The last part of the game was so easy that I was surprised the game ended so quickly. In the last 5 rooms of the game, I don't recall using more than 2-3 items per room. This is a huge letdown compared to the first game where you were controlling two different characters, using many different items throughout a whole building. Appearently this game has several different endings. And I ended up with the worst possible outcome. The ending also starts very abruptly. Kind of like watching some generic princess story, where the prince says "I will resque her!" and then the credits roll, with an announcement that the prince decided to go on a new adventure after rescuing the princess. So the question would obviously be, what happened when he resqued her? Why didn't he stay with her or the happily ever after stuff?Obviously a huge chunk of dialogue and plot development goes missing with such a timeskip. I was left scratching my head as to why things ended the way they did, as that wasn't the implication given just before the credits started rolling. And it literally bummed me out that I had wasted so much time on this plot only do be given a "Whatever" type of ending.What can I say that is good about the game? Well... the graphics are still nice. Many well done cutscenes and some of the scenarios in the game were fun to solve. I'd actually say that the demo showed the better parts of the game, then it goes downhill after that. The demo had some great puzzle solving and also a lot of tension, which I missed in the game. This isn't a game I would recommend, unless you find it on sale for very cheap. It's fine to play through once, but I don't look forward to doing it anytime soon. The first game is superior in a lot of ways to this.. Disappointing story. Very short (took me less than 4 hours, not counting replaying a major part of the game after a crash), annoying and repetitive mini games. Some fun moments, but doesn't get anywhere close to Secret Files 1 and 2.. Secret Files 3 is really under the two others. Graphics are not as good and the game is really shorter. But i liked playing it. For the fans of this serie.... I bought this game to complete the series. Sadly it is rather disappointing compared to the first two games. If you feel the need to finish a game series I'd still recommend it, otherwise try to stay away.. The same overly unrealistic puzzles you know from the first two games, except that these now have ones that will punish you if you misstep and have you repeat the same tedious stuff just in order to provide filler material and make the game seem longer than it is.Unless you're really prepared to suffer just to play another installment of the series just because you've endured fownsides of the first two, do yourself a favor and use your money to buy a different game instead.. Secret Files 3 treads on very thin ice. It's short, it's got an overly complicated plot line and just doesn't have the charm of the first two games. Not to mention the ending involved watching a 5 second long cut scene and finding out what happened after the end of the game with some images and text. Then, for no reason other than to add some 'levity' they tagged on a terrible 'outtake' reel. It fell right through the ice and died a death. At the moment, I'm not looking forward to 4\/Sam Peters and I'm starting to think Deep Silver are giving up on point-n-click adventures. I'd think it was a damn shame if this game wasn't so half-hearted.. Disappointing story. Very short (took me less than 4 hours, not counting replaying a major part of the game after a crash), annoying and repetitive mini games. Some fun moments, but doesn't get anywhere close to Secret Files 1 and 2.. Great 3rd Installment to the Secret Files library!! February 2 update #2: A few more balance changes and QoL features.Changelog. February 10 update: Added hotkeys explanations in the Codex dungeon manual (Instant battle and big map view) Dungeon movements keyboard controls can now be remapped in the Config menu (Only letter and number keys are accepted) Relocated floor 6's East waypoint Added 2 new waypoints to floor 6Edit: Crash when entering the dungeon caused by this update has been fixed.. Clarifications on the late release: As some of you may have noticed, Serment's release has been... rather delayed, to put it mildly. We've had people messaging us asking about the situation or offering to help us with the testing process.It's an honor to know there're this much interest in our game, and believe me when I say we are just as impatient as you are! However, the delay is a necessary evil and I will now elaborate a bit more on why we are taking so long.First off, as I mentioned in another part of this discussion forum, there were several design flaws present in the demo that we didn't notice until testing the full game. Redundant mechanics that served no purposes ("Hang around" option in most places in the demo), mechanics that are not scalable beyond the small scope of the demo (Buffs and debuffs being purely percentage based and stacking indefinitely), lack of replayability between different routes, we had them all.These problems can't be left unaddressed and after some discussions, we decided to rework major parts of the design from scratch instead of making impromptu fixes whenever things go wrong, otherwise there'd be no end to them. This was our inexperience as developers showing and we have no excuses, but if we have to choose between a timely release and a quality game, we would always choose the latter and I hope you can agree.There are also many bug fixes and polishing touches to be made. Unclear UI, awkward controls, unnatural dialogues, unnecessary clicks or button presses are some of the issues we've been trying to tackle. Here're a few polishes we've done since the last demo update to give you an idea of what to expect in the full commercial version:Added visual indicators for several UI elementsExample 1[]Example 2[]Added some QOL featuresReview crafting orders[]Confirmation for important choices[]Make another purchase instead of moving back to the shop menu[]"WASD" keys can now be used to navigate the game's interface to make it more convenient for players using a mouse and keyboardOf course, we have no intention of delaying things forever. We are fairly happy with how the latest build turned out, and have supposedly entered the "final" phase of testing. However, we have a track record of underestimating how long these things would take, so I can't really give you a release date until things are absolutely confirmed (The demo was released 2 months later than what we'd planned. We also thought the full game would be ready by last November, but here we are ).I hope that clears up the situation a bit, and hopefully Serment will turn out to be a game that's worth the long wait.Also, a quick shoutout to our publisher Sekai Project, who has been very supportive and understanding thus far.. Nkt Studio is now on Twitter!: After months and months of procastination, we finally got off our lazy asses and created an official Twitter account!Follow us here if you're interested in sneak peaks of what we're working on between major updates. Demo update 2.01: We have released a small patch for the demo!Here's the complete changelog:Slightly improved memory usage.Fixed a few bugs with eating food in battle.Added a text popup displaying HP/MP healed after eating food or using "Focus".Fixed warp point, recharge key, locked door, spinner and arrows not working if a random encounter happens on the same spot.Added several minor visual polishes.Reversed the Auto-forward bar direction in the config screen (Higher bar value now reduces the delay).The 4 bars inside config screen are now adjustable by keyboard (Left and Right buttons, controllers are not supported for now).Fixed a few bugs with displaying overly long character names.Included ingame time and save year in save file's description.Added some tooltips explaining status effects when hovering over the 4 elemental resistances in Status screen.Added some tooltips explaining the level mechanic when hovering over character level in Status screen.Number of keys left inside the dungeon is now visible.. February 5 update: Fixed a potential crash in "all items" tab in the status screen Reduced lag in the status screen when having too many items in the inventory Fixed a crash in battles when "Auto-hide mouse" option is disabled Fixed a potential framedrop when previewing armor stats in the shopping and crafting menu Fixed some typosEdit: Fixed fishing success rate being lower than intendedIf you still encounter any bugs or issues, please report them in the forum or to the support email address posted there and we'll address them as soon as possible.. Serment - Contract with a Devil New events, 5 new CGs, a boss rush challenge, and more : The content update is finally here! Here's the complete changelog:New features/QoL changes:. Serment - Contract with a Devil Demo Now Available!: The long awaited demo for Serment - Contract with a Devil is now available to download!Experience a taste of this wonderful visual novel - dungeon crawler hybrid where you play as a girl who is mysteriously revived by a beautiful devil!But with any miracle there is a steep price to pay - instead of claiming our heroine's soul as repayment, she demands an enormous sum of money! Get ready to dive into this light-hearted adventure and make that dosh with exciting features such as 4 playable main characters, turn-based RPG battles, minigames, and more.Don't resist the temptation to try out Serment - Contract with a Devil's demo!Also don't foreget to check out the beautiful gameplay videos on this title:Dialogue Gameplay: Battle Preview: Rebalance update: We've just released a small update to address some of the concerns players have raised.Changelog. Demo update 2.06: Remember when we said there won't be many more changes to the demo unless it's a patch with new contents? Haha, gotcha!Complete changelog:


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